Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Buck and Batuta (Ibn E Batuta? :P )

Pearl S Buck (also known by her Chinese name, Sai Zhenzhu) was an American author who lived most of her life in China, until 1934. She won the Pulitzer Prize for 'The Good Earth' and was the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature (1938).
She is known for her depiction of Chinese peasant life.

 Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan Islamic traveler known for his interesting travel accounts. He traveled most of the Islamic World and then set out to explore West Africa, North Africa. Horn of Africa, Southern and Eastern Europe. He is regarded as the greatest traveler of all times and the distance he he traveled (121,000 km) was unrivaled until the coming of the Steam Age. His travel accounts are described in 'Rihla'

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